With Lucrezia we met by chance, but not by chance … A photo, in dim light, a ray of sunshine and there gathered all the intensity of a love story. This photo led us to you Lucrezia. We knew that the first meeting would define everything, that “skin” that goes beyond any genre, technique or composition and so it was. We were looking for a special harmony because we, a little shy and reserved, would have given you our truest emotions, the most precious moments to make something eternal. The world in which you catapulted us from the first day we met, your world, the stories we imagine you already see before shooting, this would become the world of our memories, of memories of the most magical day lived. Your photos do not scream, but whisper, gently invite you to share and breathe a magical air of celebration, love, intimacy, natural elegance. For our wedding day we strongly wanted a welcoming, intimate and relaxing atmosphere and so we celebrated our symbolic ritual in a farmhouse surrounded by greenery and it was fundamental your presence, always discreet, which allowed us to be relaxed and authentic. Lucrezia, you have given us indelible memories, images that will always excite us every time we take them in hand because you have been able to grasp the unsaid, looks and gestures that speak of us and tell our true essence without words. We are grateful to have met you, beautiful soul full of enthusiasm and passion, we wish you all the best. Grazi of everything, with Affection, A + F